

Hi! My name isn’t really Four Eyes, but that’s what people have called me for years so I guess you can too :D

I like emoticons and I listen to mainstream music (some days, only mainstream music *gasp*!), so I am most definitely not a hipster, even though I may look like one. I usually need more than five minutes to recover from bathroom jokes and find the word poop extremely funny for no reason at all. Sometimes I doodle stuff. Oh and I blog naked most of the time. My neighbors find it very disturbing.

Thanks for visiting my blog! I’d love to be your friend…….but not in a creepy way though, if that’s what it sounded like.

I’ll talk to you about pretty much anything. If you want to talk about your bowel movements in extensive detail, the crazy fart you had during dinner (I consider that a fine compliment) or about something unrelated to gross bodily functions, contact me at missfour_eyes@yahoo.com

270 thoughts on “About

  1. Hi Miss Four Eyes,

    I promised you a poem for voting for me in Best Australian Blogs Competition. Not sure if you’d check back at the comments so thought I’d post here…

    There once was a blogger who appealed to the masses,
    She’s friendly and funny and takes business classes,
    Her observational blogs are so full of wit,
    To read them all you should relax and sit,
    Her name is Miss Four Eyes, and she has a neat pair of glasses!

    Peace out,

  2. Just wanted to say thanks for liking and commenting on some of my posts – I laugh everytime I read one of yours. I think that’s the best reason to follow someone, don’t you? 🙂 I’m a “four eyes” myself so totally understand the appeal of collecting frames!

  3. happy to meet you…Then again you fight against ninjas, and I am a MASTER NINJA…I need to watch my back…and since you have four eyes, I really need to watch EVERYWHERE…lol. i kid I kid…:) kudos

    • Haha, you’re funny! It’s very nice to meet you too!
      Good thinking on watching your back, you might be a master ninja but I have four eyes! I can see everything. Everything!! (just don’t take my glasses off)

    • Well hi there!
      I think your pirate-talking abilities are fantastic!
      You and I should discuss human bowel movements in great detail sometime, it should be fun!
      Thank you! I love you already (once again, not in a creepy way) 😀

  4. Hey Lady! I have nominated you for the “Inspiring Blog Award” and “One Lovely Blog Award.” If you accept these type of awards, the “rules” just say that you need to give a shout out to me, of course, tell us 7 things about yourself and then nominate 15 bloggers (or so. I listed 5) If you can, just pass it on to someone…have a fabulous day!

  5. There was this game show that was on years ago. It was like Scrabble, only they pushed this button to shoot the letter up onto a screen. Anyway, all this background to tell you that my brother and I laughed for days when the guy pushed on the “P” button and said, “I’ll take a P!”

    • I’m so happy to hear that! I like people who like glasses. Cause let’s face it, they’re awesome, and anyone who says otherwise is lying. I love Harold Lloyd too! I think you and I would get along very well. Thanks for visiting!

  6. Poop is the funniest word in the English language, because when you say it, your mouth makes the same motion that your bum does when pooping. This is a disgusting comment to leave on someone’s About section, but I felt it necessary. Sorry.

  7. I walked into a wall once. Turned right into it after going to the bathroom. I bruised my eye. Awesome. Good thing my glasses covered it up.

    But, the worst is when I accidentally hit myself in the face while I’m wearing glasses. They jam into my nose and the earpieces get wonky.

    What? You’ve never done this?

    I gave myself a bloody nose as a child once, too.

    I’m not making this stuff up.

    • What? You don’t think I accidentally hit myself in the face with my glasses on? Only everyday.
      Some days it doesn’t happen accidentally, so I go ahead and hit myself in the face just because. 😛
      I like you already.

  8. Pingback: Reality Blog Award! | rarasaur

  9. Pingback: LaLaBec’s NYE Bash: The Aftermath | 25ToFly

  10. Pingback: A lovely blog? Sure, I’ll take the compliment… | Stuphblog

  11. Pingback: help, help, I’ve been Liebstered | thematticuskingdom

  12. Pingback: Ooooh we’re playing blog tag and I’m IT | She Said What?

  13. Brilliant. I loved your introduction. Since Rohan said such wonderful things about you, I figured I should head on over and check your blog out. I’m liking what I see so far!


  14. Pingback: Following ‘Just A Test’ | 33 Grams of Blog

  15. Pingback: Keep On Shining | Stuphblog

  16. Pingback: I Am An Exhibitionist | So I Went Undercover

  17. Pingback: Accessorize! Accessorize! Accessorize! | The Eclectic Eccentric Shopaholic

  18. Hahaha! I so have blogged naked too! lol As for the poop thing? what is it that makes us think it’s funny!! lol Seriously I think we are a little warped there!! LMAO Thanks for checking out my blog! Hugs from Oz Paula xxxx

  19. Pingback: Woah More Awards!! | She Said What?

  20. Pingback: whose that girl? | cognitive reflection

  21. Pingback: Blogging in My Birthday Suit – The Naked Trooper | The Mercenary Researcher

  22. Pingback: A Pirate Moment | The Eclectic Eccentric Shopaholic

  23. Pingback: *A Pirate Moment* | The Eclectic Eccentric Shopaholic

  24. I love people in glasses. Smart is sexy. Even though I’m almost 40, when a doctor asks me about my BMs I still turn bright red and change the subject. Can’t talk about it!

  25. Pingback: Līgo Haībun Challenge ~ “And We Danced…” | The Eclectic Eccentric Shopaholic

  26. Pingback: Better Late Than Never? | Stuphblog

  27. Pingback: cat amongst the pigeons | cognitive reflection

  28. Pingback: Naughty Thursday: Show The Goods | Doggy's Style

  29. Pingback: 26 Things | Stuphblog

  30. Pingback: Blunt Life Coach™ Speaks | Stuphblog

  31. Pingback: Too Epic to Fail | My Rabbit Hole Trips

  32. Pingback: Blogging, Writing, Nakedness | She Said What?

  33. Pingback: The “Dirty Connotations” Road Sign | Stuphblog

  34. Pingback: Omg, an award | cognitive reflection

  35. Pingback: An Award – and an apology… | She Said What?

  36. I’ve just nominated you for an award, because you are one of my Most Influential Bloggers. My ping back has not worked, but I wanted you to know how much I love your stuff!

  37. Pingback: Epically Awesome Awards of Epic Awesomeness | The Eclectic Eccentric Shopaholic

  38. Pingback: Guest Post: List of X – 10 Reasons Why WordPress Hates The Hook. | You've Been Hooked!

  39. Pingback: Hey Peeps – Let’s play Family Feud! | She Said What?

  40. Pingback: She Promised She Would Cuddle | Doggy's Style

  41. Pingback: Nominating the Maphia’s™ Finest Readers | Stuphblog

  42. Pingback: Why can’t life be a dog? | Doggy's Style

    • They’re going very smoothly, thanks for asking 😀
      And yours?

      We’re starting a revolution, Revis and I. People should care more about each other’s bowel movements. It would make the world a much nicer place, don’t you think?

      • Interesting theory… you might be on to something. I’ll play along to see if it does make the world a nicer place. In any case, it certainly couldn’t make it worse.

        Mine are going very smoothly as well, thank you for asking too.

  43. Pingback: I’m starting to get bruises | thematticuskingdom

  44. Pingback: Smize cuz Jesus is a bicuit! | Doggy's Style

  45. Pingback: Dragon Me Down | Stuphblog

  46. Hi Miss Four Eyes,
    I am Ritu from the blog ‘Beyond Beauty Tips’. I saw that we were connected through my blog (and yours, since i follow you). I announced my new domain but I haven’t seen you there yet.
    Please show some love to my new blog ‘Things To Rave About’ (http://toraveabout.com) which is just BBT at a new address.
    Hoping to see you there. Thanks!

  47. Pingback: Join the Movement Movement | Stuphblog

  48. Pingback: Naughty Thursday: Milky balls | Doggy's Style

  49. Pingback: Blunt Life Coach™ Speaks: 6/14/2013 | Stuphblog

  50. Pingback: My Man of Steel Review: In Ten Super Bullet Points. | You've Been Hooked!

  51. Pingback: Naughty Thursday: I’ll Miss Your Ass | Doggy's Style

  52. Way to go for having the balls to wear those glasses with pride! As you can see from my trying-way-too-hard-to-be-sexy avatar… (which is actually a selfie I took in a Saturday morning park full of children – poor things)… I’m letting the world believe I have better eyeball genes than I really do. Love this blog! Keep it rockin’ and keep it naked!

  53. Pingback: More Blog Bling!! | Stuphblog

  54. Hey there Miss Four Eyes, I’m glad I came across your blog! I’m somewhat new to WordPress, and your blog is so different and creative as well. I read many of your posts and loved all of them! Love.

  55. Pingback: Awards – I love you ALL | She Said What?

  56. Hey! I had to follow your blog just because of probably the most unique “About” description I’ve read on WP haha 🙂 Looking forward to reading more!

  57. Ha ha! I used to call my sister ‘poo face’. Don’t know why really as we were identical twins….so that would mean I have a poo face too, oh.
    Love your blog and am going to follow you from today, hurray!

  58. Hey there! Just came by to tell you that I LOVE YOUR BLOG!! You might be getting a lot of that. Haha. 😀
    And you know what? Some of my friends call me Four Eyes as well. Co – incidence you think?
    Do check my blog out whenever you can. Quite new here so I’m trying to make new friends 🙂

  59. Your blog was featuring in my WordPress recommendations, I liked the name so I followed the link. I read one post, then another and this went on for about an hour until I concluded that you have an AMAZING blog. I have never been so content walking in to a random blog 😀

  60. Pingback: Emptying my mind | theseeker

  61. Pingback: The Versatile Blogger | The Hungry Dog's Lair

  62. Pingback: Thanks for the follows « cognitive reflection

  63. I just had to follow someone that may put a star to a post about phunny pharts! 💩
    I’m almost 4 eyes now. .. getting old sux… I’m glad I look good in glasses…
    However, no one seems to notice my glasses while naked. .. Ha! 👸👓
    Looking forward to reading your blog. Take care! Ilex
    PS – My hubby has an awesome beard! 🐐

  64. I hope I’m not over-posting and pestering you, but I had to stop in one more time, since you find things about poop funny (farts, however, ugh! Gag me with a spoon!). Inspired by the infamous South Park episode, much to my lovely wife’s disgust, whenever a massively impressive deuce I dropped, I chant loud and proud “RMS!” (for a “Randy Marsh Special”),

  65. Ok, so what is it that you like about my blog ? My poetry? Does it strike a personal note? A tone? Does it seem to be “at home” with you ?

    Share your thoughts 🙂

  66. Love your blog, sense of humor, and candidness. After 29 years of having four eyes, and if I had applied, I’d’ve been on the legally blind list, I got PRK and was left with *only* two eyes (*gasp!*). But…I can relate to having four eyes, remember being called “four eyes,” and love my friends with four eyes.

  67. Yes, it’s pretty awesome. But old habits are old habits and I still occasionally search around for my glasses in their usual spot some mornings even though it’s been over 2 years since I had the surgery. Four-eyed by heart forever, I guess! 🙂

  68. Hi MissFourEyes! I’ve been called Miss Moody.. so that stuck as my blog name, too..
    Your are fun!! I’m hopping on board 😀

  69. Pingback: A Thank You To All « 33 Grams of Blog

  70. Hello “Four-Eyes” Feels a little weird calling a friend that…. What an awesome intro and we would love to make your acquaintance but won’t be sharing our bowel habits with you… 😉
    Off to explore your blog!

    • Hi there, Wise Monkeys! I’d love to make your acquaintance too. Too bad about the bowel movements though, but if you ever change your mind about sharing, I’m always here 😀

    • Courtney! Hi!
      I’ve been soooo busy, it’s crazy. I’m in the Middle East right now, just about getting ready to pack up and move all over again.
      I miss you guys so much. I miss blogging!

  71. I was reading some of your very first posts (Yes, Stalker alert!! :P) and I fell in love with your blog all over again! Please never stop writing. And your post named ‘My very first follower’, well I should dedicate a post to you cause you were mine! THANK for that. And yeah, I almost pooped my pants too when I saw I had a follower 😉

  72. Pingback: No Dumping « 33 Grams of Blog

  73. Pingback: Blunt Life Coach™ Speaks – Mental Defecation

  74. Pingback: Blunt Life Coach™ Speaks: 6/14/2013 – Mental Defecation

  75. Pingback: Dragon Me Down – Mental Defecation

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